Still Life 12"x12" Oil on CanvasMy Mother used to say, "don't play with your food". Well not that I always listened to her, but now I can do it and get away with it. How fun is that?
Everyday items can be great subject matter for paintings. Not only do they create a response on some level for the viewer, but in this case it serves a double duty. Today's model can be tonight's dinner. Food comes in so many shapes, colors, and sizes. The scenarios are endless for a painting, and it's a subject everyone understands.
What drew me to using the food items I used in this painting is the warm colors and dramatic shape differences. The copper canister was the only non-organic item, but I loved the abstract reflections and it helped complete the composition.
I will be posting more still life along this subject matter as I experiment with shapes, textures, and colors. Until then I am hungry and need to go start dinner.